A Statement from Tactical Directions Management.
10th March 2020
RE: COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
The wellbeing of our staff and clients is our highest priority. We continue to monitor the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation to ensure we are prepared.
Tactical Directions (TD) is committed to maintaining stability with our clients as the current situation regarding Coronavirus develops. As a company who is dedicated to offering superior service for high level marketing and advertising services, we have procedures in place to make sure that our workplace will continue to maintain its current levels of superior service to our clients in potential disaster/crisis situations.
If there was a need for TD to self-isolate and close the doors to our office the below disaster/crisis plan procedures will ensure that our business keeps running and our clients are not impacted:
- TD staff members are all able to work remotely from home.
- Laptops are provided and in the instance they are not our staff members are able to utilise their desktop computers at home.
- Our server is cloud based which enables our staff members to access client material from their remote working locations.
- TD’s client work is also backed up by a physical server located in our office premises for an added level of protection.
- TD’s office number will be diverted to a staff members mobile number so they are able to direct any incoming enquiries to the correct team member.
During February this year our disaster/crisis plan was put into action when we had significant storms causing a power outage at our office location for 7 days. The above procedure for remote working was implemented. Our clients service and delivery wasn’t affected and TD were able to operate as per normal conditions.
We understand that this is a difficult time for a lot of businesses and as a business TD is committed to ensuring that there are no implications to our clients work.
Please feel free to get in contact if you would like any further information or if I can clarify anything further for you.
Kindest regards,
Darren Drew
Managing Director
strategic marketing • creative communications • superior service
Sydney – Head office
1 Queens Parade, Newport NSW 2106
Locked Bag 2013 Mona Vale NSW 1660
P 02 9998 5333 • F 02 9998 5300
Tactical Directions • ABN 97-615-439-006 • info@tdirections.com.au